Faith In The Word International Churches has an interesting prophetic history. When the founder the Rev Dr Edward Ekwa was in the Bible College majoring in Theology and world missions 1985 to 1987. During the third semester, in 1985, the President of the College was teaching a course “cross-cultural evangelism”. The President of the College was a veteran missionary from Rock Island IL, USA to Nigeria, West Africa were Dr Edward Ekwa was a student. He spoke and taught extensively on the great revivals which have taken place in church history. He explained to students how these revivals imparted America and the results which came from these movements and how these revivals helped shaped Christianity in the USA and later produced missionaries who went to the nations of the world with the gospel of power, transforming lives, cultures, and nations. He paused for some time, and he said “sadly the United States Of America which saw a mighty move of God in the 1600s and 1900s is quickly sliding into a state where America needs another revival to awaken her people. And some of you here in this class, will end up going to America as missionaries to do missions work”.

As a student, listening to this great man of God saying those words, never had a taught that he will be one of the people God will send to America as a missionary. But In October 2021, Faith In The word International Churches was lunched in Fort Myers Fl. Partnering and standing with the American church to take back this land; in fasting and prayers to see the birth of the fourth great awakening in this great nation.

We strongly believe in prophetic prayers and declaration of the will of God to be done on earth. We’re called by God to help all the people in the United States of America and all nations of the world, to experience salvation, healing, deliverance, and miracles. We’re not attached or called to a specific people’s group in the USA, but to all who live in this land. Weather white, black, brown, red, pink etc. Our mission is to help everyone whom the Lord will bring to us with the power of the gospel through the love of Christ.

Faith In The Word International Churches is truly none denominational in her calling and mission. We’re not affiliated with any religious organization but affiliated with the Holy word of God, and the Holy Spirit. Please take time to read our mission statement, and our core values on this site.

Every ministry here at Faith In The Word International Churches is designed to help assist people to experience the power of God in their own lives through the powerful teaching and preaching of Rev. Dr Edward Ekwa. Faith in the Word international Churches has a direct mission to help assist everyone who enters her doors seeking spiritual or material assistance. Jesus not only preached the word of God, but he also fed the hungry. We’re here to work and contribute to the lives of the people of these communities in SW Florida in every way possible from the resources at our disposal. We welcome everyone who’s hungry and thirsty for God in their lives. Just come as you’re.

Our Mission

Raising a people of love and power who shall reach their communities and Nations with the gospel Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)

Our Core Values






What We Believe

*We believe in the Authenticity of the Holy Scriptures.

*We believe in the Holy Trinity: Faither, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

*We believe in Water Baptism.

*We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

*We believe in the Sanctification of the spirit.

*We believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

*We believe in Divine Healing/Demonic Deliverance/Miracles, Signs and Wonders.

*We believe in the Resurrection of the dead and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Our Leadership


Rev. Dr. Edward & Ms. Ekwa, International Leaders

Dr. Edward Ekwa was born in the West African nation of Cameroon. Immigrated to the USA as a missionary in 2010 after making serval visits to the USA in 2003 to 2009, Preaching in different churches, conferences, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers for the victims of drugs and alcohol in Florida.

Rev. Dr Ekwa is a dynamic man of God, an apostle of our time, a Pastor, missionary preacher and teacher of the word of God. Called into fulltime in 1984, Dr Ekwa has served in different areas of the Christian ministry as Senior Pastor, President of a Nondenominational Ministers Association, President of a Bible College, Director of an International inter-denominational Prayer Network, Planted churches in Cameroon, Nigerian, and Liberia. Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship in Wellington TX.

Rev Dr Edward Ekwa and his wife Christine Ekwa are currently the International Leaders of Faith in the Word International Churches and missionaries church planters to the USA. They’re blessed with four children and six grandchildren.

Other Leaders

Christine Ekwa (Director of Music).

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